Friday, November 8, 2013

November 18 meeting

At the meeting on November 18th, we are going to do something more than just have a boring old meeting with lots of information. Yes, there'll be the information dense part, but after that, we'll have a little fun.

E and I are planning on having some fun food: British-themed cupcakes and scones among other things.  We are also preparing a London trivia quiz. We want to get the justices flowing about our trip. So everyone needs to be studying hard to learn about all those bits of trivia that we'll ask. It's just like studying for an exam, right? All you need to do is know everything about London and you'll do great! Elizabeth, being a librarian, is going to make it a challenge. 

We also hope that along the way of having a little fun, we begin to get to know each other a bit. Just because we don't leave until January is no reason we can't start having some fun now.

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